Why a New Operating System?

François-René Rideau Dang-Vu Bân
<fare@tunes.org> 1


In this paper, we propose a reconstruction of the general architecture of an operating system. In a first part, we start from the very principles of cybernetics, and study the general nature, goals and means of operating systems. In a second part, we examine the crucial problem of the expressiveness of a computing system, conspicuously comprising both operating system and programming language. In a third and final part, we focus on particular services commonly found in operating systems, and criticize current designs at the light of the previous theory. All along, we sadly find that existing operating systems are deeply flawed, due to both historical and political reasons; happily, the advent of Free Software removes the obstructions to progress in this matter.

This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA and HACHA.